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CULTUS (2017 - present)

CULTUS (useless, or unusable), multimedia installation and performance, variable dimensions
Installation view, February 2018

Following Sortir les Couteaux: Definition of the Oppressed (2017),

I made a series of useless/unusable knives.

J’ai fabriqué une série de couteaux inutiles/inutilisables.

‘sortir les couteaux’ [Christiane Rochefort] / une meurtre / usage / intention

Sortir les couteaux: Definition of the Oppressed, six photographs, 2017
With the collaboration of Klara Dumont, Clara Perrier, Pauline Musco, Clara, Gab Besse, and Pauline Pettoello

In Imagined Violence/Queer Violence, Jack Halberstam speaks of a necessity of being able to imagine violence, more specifically a female violence:

"...female violence transforms the symbolic function of the feminine within popular narratives and it simultaneously challenges the hegemonic insistence upon the linking of might and right under the sign of masculinity.

We have to be able to imagine violence and our violence needs to be imaginable because the power of fantasy is not to represent but to destabilize the real."

cultus: The act of cultivating the earth with a sharp object lies at the Latin etymological root of the word ‘culture’. 
cultus: L’acte de cultiver la terre avec un objet pointu est à la racine etymologique du mot ‘culture’. 

J’ai cherché les formes et les usages variés du couteau.

Video stills, non-couteaux (cultus), 2018, video, sound, 2’36’’

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